This means encountering a lot of things you weren't even prepared for. You can consult with your advisors on which route to take that would ultimately shape your presidency. You can raise or lower Personal, Corporate and Sales taxes and well as Tariffs. You can also balance the budget, increase or decrease spending in the Military, Social spending, Investment in the country and Foreign Aid. But if you love a good game of mental chess rather than 3-D explosions and insane graphics, this is for you. It's one of those games that really belong in a classroom. But each situation, no matter how trivial they may appear has some indirect benefit or consequence to your leadership effectiveness, popularity and world standing. It can be pretty tedious at times with all the seemingly mundane things going on. Like I said, this game isn't big on graphics. This would be your first major test of how you would deal with a major world crisis in the Oval Office. If you remember that time (and it seems like yesterday to me), The Berlin Wall had come down, the Soviet Union hadn't become Russia again (and it wouldn't until 1991, but the change was already afoot in the Kremlin.) And most of all, Saddam Hussein's Iraq was getting it's dander up with Kuwait and would eventually invade it. Just like what a real president has to deal with. Any way you go, there are benefits and ramifications to every decision you make.
Or define yours through a series of surprisingly accurate situations and how you would handle each of them. Or a brutal tyrant hell bent on world domination. You can be a wise peacemaker and a statesperson. Or you can send us all back to the stone age. You have the ultimate power to create world peace, a roaring economy and make the quality of life in the world a global benchmark.

In this game, you are the Commander In-Chief.